Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oh, it is love. . . and November!

History repeats itself. I am now supposed to be writing another 9-10 page paper for my Augustine class, and finding sweet procrastination in you, O blog.
This month is going to be ridiculously busy, and ridiculously wonderful. I have grad school applications, personal statement to write, about 5 (?) 10-page papers, my 2nd thesis chapter to write and 1st chapter to make longer and prettier, THANKSGIVING in about 4 places (Clovis, Ft. Sumner, Waco, Victoria - yup, 4), as well as the work for my Greek honors contract due and of course, lovely exams, hundreds of lines of Virgil to translate, reading till my eyes start to cross...and probably dozens of my favorite people to spend time with. :-)
Disturbing story time! A little kid at the Halloween party that our church put on was dressed up as a member of the KKK!!! He came up to pick out some ducks from the little wading pool and get some candy and I think I said something like "awww, what a cute little ghost - oh, wait!" It was definitely scary.
The good news to cheer you up at the beginning of this month:

1. As of Tuesday, the election will be over, and hopefully after a few weeks people will stop being ridiculous about it! Hurray!

2. THANKSGIVING is only about three weeks away!

3. Thanks to our sad lil' economy, gas prices have plummeted.

4. It's beginning to look like a lot like autumn, and coffee houses everywhere are turning out warm and cozy flavors!

5. Apparently, I'm a huge slacker, and this usually makes people feel better about themselves. So be comforted, over-achievers! There are achievers everywhere who look up to you without the slightest bit of envy. ;-)


roadtojoy said...

Reading your posts makes me feel like I need a double shot from Starbucks to make it through :-) Yet you sound so excited. I love it!

Also, I loved Paris. Come see me there!

RagazzaTedesca said...

I agree about the gas prices - even though I don't drive. They're down to about $2.41 where I live!

What crazy parents dress their kid up as a KKK member?

Julia said...

you might have guessed, that was me. I'm still confused about my different google names.. arghh.
love you, miss youu!