Saturday, May 23, 2009

Gittin' 'Er Dun

I've worked out 5 times this week, had four shifts at work (and tomorrow's a double), played a lot with Matthew and...

this wedding is so going to happen. I ordered my shoes, bridesmaids' gifts, and cake topper. I bought a dress for the rehearsal dinner, arranged for a fitting for my wedding dress and cake testing, called the marriage license place, and got an email saying the ring bearer pillow has come in.

Matthew doesn't like being called a "Ring Bearer." He says, "I'm not a bear, I'm a boy!" So we call him the Ring Boy. :-) I can't wait to see him in his little tux - he's going to look sooo cute! Not unlike the groom. :-)

1 comment:

roadtojoy said...

I feel like the wedding shoes were important in that paragraph :) I'm excited!