Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Transition Time

Well, undergraduate college is over. Everything got done and I graduated from the honors program. I moved out of the dorm and now I'm here in Corpus, with four goals: make $$, work out, spend time with my parents and little brother, and finish wedding planning.

I've written most of my thank-you notes for the various wedding showers and I check the mail everyday for response cards so I can get a better idea of the number of people to expect. Sam and I have to go back to Waco soon for cake testing, and I have to have a dress fitting. Sam booked the honeymoon, though, so we're officially going to Portland, Oregon for ten days. We also have all the flowers for people to wear/carry ordered as well as centerpieces for the reception tables. The people doing the cake are also providing the pretty disposable things and drinks. I still have to get together some photos for the slideshow at the rehearsal dinner, find a dress for the rehearsal dinner, buy shoes for the wedding, order rental tablecloths, pick out the appetizers and find serving platters for them, plan the bachelorette party, finish thank-yous...

Matthew keeps peaking over my shoulder to see if the cursor is a dinosaur or not.

I'm actually a lot less stressed out now that I don't have to go to school. Tonight I start work again at the restaurant. Yay waitressing! It kind of sucks but it's nice to bring home cash every night.

1 comment:

roadtojoy said...

I check your blog for updates on your life a lot. I'm glad I found one today :) I'm a creeper.

I'm glad you got out of Baylor alive. It sounds like you're getting stuff done!

I miss you!