Tuesday, November 18, 2008

On Work Ethics

If I didn't have papers to write, I would never get anything else done. :-) Fortunately, the prudent professors at Baylor are more than happy to see to it that my productivity levels in all other areas of my life remain high by assigning plenty of these. Right now I am *working* on my term paper for History of Modern European Philosophy class. And also updating, to let y'all know what's "new and exciting in my life" as Sara always demands.

There isn't much going on in my life besides school, really. When I'm not in class or doing homework, I help other people with their homework as a part-time job or teach at Sylvan Learning Center.

That can't be true. Dad came up to visit last weekend to see the Baylor vs. A&M game. I didn't go to the game, but I had lunch with him and Brian and David. It's kind of a shame that I didn't go to the game, though, because this is the first time we have won against the aggies since I started at Baylor, and the last time we will play them before I graduate. I stayed at the dorm because I was going to work on my thesis, although really all I did was sleep all afternoon because I was starting to get sick.

And...before that, Sam had a friend come to town so we made dinner and went to see Quantum of Solace. Boys are good people, they really are, but I don't think I will every learn to properly enjoy action movies. I didn't hate it, but it was probably kind of wasted on me. After the movie we had to go out and celebrate because Sam's roommate got into med school. It's really nice to know people who are achieving things, so that you have an excuse to celebrate while you're still waiting on your own achievements to materialize.

And...after that, Sam and I taught Sunday school at church. It is suprising how intimidating a group of small children can be if you realize you're supposed to teach them something. But it was a lot of fun and I think it went as well as could be expected. Then we went to lunch at someone's house with a big group of people, because the church was doing a meal-in-peoples'-homes thing. It's a nice tradition, really. I love the South.

We're reading Nietzche now in Existentialism. My Intro to Philosophy course ended with Nietzche, and my History of Modern European Philosophy course seems like it's going to end with Nietzche. It's kind of strange, especially at a place like Baylor, that we seem to let him have the final word so often. But I think probably it's really good to end with Nietzche, because it's hard to forget him, so I suppose it makes it impossible to stop thinking about philosophy entirely, even after you take the final. I think he's probably one of my favorite atheists.

It's strange to imagine that a week from today it will already be Thanksgiving Break and Sam and I will be driving to New Mexico for part I of the holiday. It's even stranger to be grown-up enough to have Thanksgiving in parts. And 30 days from now, the entire semester will be over: all the papers written, (hopefully) revised, and turned in; the exams studied for and taken, the applications (again, hopefully) completed, the degree audit with that "magic sentence" turned in.

It's good to remember that once in a while. My goal for the rest of the semester is no longer to make good grades but just to get all the work done. With that said, I should probably get back to it.


Sara said...

So that degree audit with the magic sentence should probably be taken care in less than 30 days... Remember, you WANT to graduate :-)

roadtojoy said...

I don't want anyone to graduate! Please don't. In the nicest way possible. I don't wish failing on you.

Two Thanksgivings?!

roadtojoy said...

So grown up!!

Umm, I think I'll end up flying back on the 22nd in December. Hopefully. Christmas in Paris might be pretty, but not pretty enough for me to want to stay without family.

Julia said...

I miss you too, Ragazza ! It seems like you are really busy >< squeeze in some phone convo sesh time for me soon! xoxo ti voglio bene!