Thursday, February 26, 2009

Updated Count-down

Doing this helps me feel more organized, and puts pressure on me to get some work done already.

So far I have 3 rejections from the 7 graduate schools to which I applied. If somehow one or more of the remaining 4 actually accepts me, I have 48 days until I must give them a decision.

My thesis is due in 28 days. !!!

In 35 days, Brie is coming to visit me! Whoo!

In 49 days I turn 22.

In about 58 days, Sam and I will have our couple's shower. :-)

In 79 days, we will graduate college.

In 121 days, we will get married.

After one knows yet. If one of us gets into graduate school, we will probably move there in early August. If not, we will be applying for teaching positions at high schools, and there is no telling in what city we may live. I would kind of prefer to stay in Waco, if we can, and teach here, but that may not be practical or the best thing to do.

I wish I knew already what was going to happen after the honeymoon, but right now is the waiting time. ~sigh~

1 comment:

roadtojoy said...

If you don't get into grad school and I don't get into grad school, we should sabotage everyone else and move to Australia or something.