Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I don't know where to begin...

The showers are hot now.

I have more pictures coming soon.

My classes are awesome. I'm still figuring out the one that is at Baylor, but I think everything just might turn out okay. I have two field trips this weekend, one on Friday and one on Saturday. Saturday we're going to Catania to have a tour of the historical parts, so I'm excited. My roommates are talking about staying the night in a hostel and not coming back with the rest of the group, which the school actually encourages, so that we can spend more time in that city.

Right now I'm in the computer lab. My Latin prof couldn't make it to our regularly scheduled class time so she wanted to have it was supposed to be now, but I guess she forgot. I have some reading for Philosophy I could do in the library, anyway. Tonight at 8 we have another free meal - there's a fish dinner at some hotel, and apparently they're going to teach us something about fish, or how to cook it, or food, or something. I'm excited. And hungry. Tomorrow night is another one of those talks where they tell us how to be safe. This one's just for the women, and I'm pretty sure I know exactly what they're going to say, but it's mandatory. It's amazing the lengths people will go to in order to correct others' stupidity when in reality, I think we all know how to behave at this point. It's only a matter of if we care to or not.

I'm working on my list of things to do before I turn 21, and by working on it, I mean I'm actually accomplishing the things, not just making the list. :-)

I've been smiling all day. I finally was able to buy francobolli, stamps, so I can send mail now.


Sara said...

Write more! I know you're alive, but I want details....

roadtojoy said...

write, write, write.