1) They stopped putting caffiene in Monster engery drinks. I don't know when they did it, because in undergrad, I remember it being there, but Monster energy drinks no longer make me bounce off the wall.
2) Nobody really understands Vergil's Georgics. Nobody.
3) We Classicists make up a lot of things. Like the term, "didactic poetry."
4) When someone asks you a question you don't know how to answer, the best thing to say is, "I think it has something to do with the moon and the tides." This is a surprisingly versatile answer.
5) Starbucks' cinnamon coffee cake is really, really good. Almost makes up for the fact that all I ate that week besides Starbucks coffee cake was pizza, Chinese take-out, and Subway.
6) Washing dishes is fun! Compared to thumping my head against the wall trying to figure out how to write my term paper.
On an unrelated note, here's a little something for all the single ladies out there: a picture of post-marital laundry. Enjoy!