Saturday, January 19, 2008

Just remember, darling, all the while...

Is it just me or is no one posting blogs anymore except faithful Amanda? This won't do - I demand more reading material.

So it's about 58 hours until I take off and watch one of my dreams come true. :-) I love saying that, even if it's cheesy. I've wanted to go to Europe for a long time, and I've wanted to study abroad since I got to college; now it's finally happening. I've been anxious about it for so long that right now I'm just excited. I'm actually pretty happy right now. I have one more day of work, then I get to see Amanda, and then the adventure starts. I'm *almost* done packing - I think I need to go through and kick some things out of my suitcases. And add some other things. My dad bought me some more memory for my camera today, so I'm going to take a crap load of pictures.

I'm going to miss everyone like crazy. I promise to stay safe like everyone keeps telling me, and not to do anything too stupid....

which reminds me, I never did finish that list, but 21 things is a little bit ambitious, so how about 7?

1. See a freaking opera already! Another one of those things, like going to Europe, that I've always wanted to do.

2. Write 21 letters, cards, or post cards. (I like this one because I've already done 11).

3. Write 21 blog posts.

4. Taste 21 different types of wine. (Thank goodness I'm going to Sicily so this will be legal. I've already tasted merlot, chardonnay, white zinfandel, pinot grigio, and champagne, which I think should count, since it's just carbonated wine, right?).

5. Memorize a whole book of the Bible. (I'm thinking 3rd John).

6. Read 7 books by different authors that I've never read before.

7. My DLS. Which, as I said before, I promise is not anything bad.

1 comment:

roadtojoy said...

You could always tell me what your DLS is...!